Saturday, April 17, 2010

Stabbed in the gut....what do ya do?

Hey all! Been awhile! Life as a busy single parent has kept me away from writing for a long time...
I hope to get back to it on a regular basis! It is therapy for me...when days are bad or when they are good, it's always good to think about your day...and count your blessings...
However, lately the past few weeks have had more "downs" than "ups"....
Those of you who have more than one child...ever felt like you are expected to be in two or more places at once? Well, that's been my life for the past two weeks! When you can't be there for every moment of your child's ball game, or see them score a goal...they sure let you about their disappointment...That's why this post is titled "Stabbed in the Gut". Both of my children play ball...this spring, their ball schedule has both of them playing at the same time. Which son do I watch? How do I divide up the time so that each one gets treated fairly?
Well...I've doesn't matter how you divide up the doesn't matter how fair you try to be...When you are expected to be in two places at once, it is impossible. You are always going to miss something. Last week, I missed my older son shooting a goal...Today I missed my younger son making the best defensive play of the game, for which he earned an award! I just can't win!

Oh well...I guess I have to remember that they are having fun and learning about Christ at the same time! With every blessing, there is always sacrifice! Have a good night all! And thanks for reading my blog!

Country Girl

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