Sunday, August 23, 2009

The First Day of Kindergarten...from a Five year old

I have to post's sooo cute! But I'm not totally objective! My friends will tell you that I have a very precocious 5 year old! He is on the go from the time he gets up until the time he falls asleep at night!
Anyway, he began kindergarten this past was quite a day! Being a schoolteacher myself, I wanted everything to be perfect for him! However, as every parent knows, when you have children, the best made plans often go awry! The day went by in a blur...Not many can say that they get to spend their child's first day of kindergarten with them! I can, because I teach at the school that my children attend.
Try as I might, I wanted my son to be the shining star of the day! He, on the other hand, had his own set of ideas! Overall, the day was good. A few times he had to be reminded to follow the rules, be nice to his friends, and to calm down...boys will be boys, so they say!
At the end of the day, one of the teachers asked him how his first day of kindergarten had been. He replied, "Well...I didn't have to go to the principal's office!" Ha! Ha! Now isn't that what every parent wants to hear? I'd say that was a pretty good day! --lol HAVE A GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE! GOD BLESS! AND HAVE A GREAT START TO YOUR WORK WEEK!

A country girl

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