Wednesday, November 18, 2009

There's light at the end of the tunnel...

Hello, all!
After letting myself go totally crazy with that last post, I just wanted to say that---even when things look bad, I have to remember that God is still in control. That saying just spoke to my heart even as I was clicking on "publish post" for those last comments. I know that I am where I am supposed to be today...taking care of my sick son. Right now he is resting in bed and watching cartoons. So I find myself with a few precious moments of quiet time. I have to always remind myself that even when a day seems to start off totally wrong, and look like it's going to be "gloomy" the entire day, that God, in his mighty way, never puts more on us than we can bare. I don't know what I will face when I return to work, but whatever comes, I will get through it because of His grace!

Once again, thanks for listening! Have a good day, all!

Country Girl

Ever had a frustrating day?...Tell me about it!

This day has started off as one of the most frustrating days ever! Have you ever been totally misunderstood by your boss? Well, that happened to me first thing this morning. As a result I am facing possible disciplinary action. I've worked for the same company for over 15 years, and have not ever been in this situation before!
My 8 year began throwing up 30 minutes before I was supposed to report for work. I only live 1 mile from my workplace. So after calling in, like I thought I was supposed to (and following the new procedure she put in place a few weeks ago), she is now insinuating that I planned to be out! And has written a note to the entire staff warning them that if you plan to be out and do not follow procedure, you will face a write up. How can you predict when your child is going to be sick? Oh-- I get it--I stuck my finger down his throat this morning and made him throw up so I wouldn't have to go to work today! How crazy is that? This woman has the reputation for doing and saying things totally out of line, and I don't know if I can say anything nice to her when returning to work!
I am a mom that always puts the welfare of my children first----even if it means a hardship for me. If I have to stay from work to care for one of them, then isn't that what sick days are for?
She can be totally unreasonable!

Has anyone out there ever had a similar experience? Tell me about! Let's vent together!
Thanks for listening!

A very frustrated country girl